Online consultations with Kazakhstan experts on political dialogue and capacity building for Central Asia delegations for the 26th COP of the UNFCCC

13 January 2021
Online consultations with Kazakhstan experts on political dialogue and capacity building for Central Asia delegations for the 26th COP of the UNFCCC

On December 8-9, from 15:00 to 17:00 Nur-Sultan time, online national consultations with Kazakhstan experts on political dialogue and capacity building for delegations of the countries of the Central Asia region for the 26th COP of the UNFCCC were held.

The event was organized by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) within the framework of the Regional project of the World Bank / EC IFAS "Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin" (CAMP4ASB).

The purpose of the national online consultations is to discuss the preparatory process of the countries of the Central Asian region for the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC to facilitate political dialogue and build the capacity of the delegations of the countries of the region, to develop a regional position and its presentation at the UNFCCC COP-26.

A series of online consultations was opened by Zafar Makhmudov, Executive Director of CAREC, and Olzhas Agabekov, Director of the Climate Policy and Green Technologies Department of the MEGPR of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the national focal point of the UNFCCC of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The online event covered the scale of the project, and also highlighted the main objectives of the project "Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin" (CAMP4ASB), which include:

  • Strengthening the position of Central Asia and increasing the importance of the region.

  • Supporting the Central Asia region in order to increase the credibility

  • Development of key ideas for exchange during negotiations and parallel

Participants of the online event reminded of the content of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement addresses a wide range of issues, from climate change mitigation to adaptation and support to developing countries. The countries that signed the Paris Agreement have agreed:

  • To step up their efforts and support actions to reduce emissions;

  • To build resilience and reduce vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change;

  • To maintain and develop regional and international cooperation.

In addition, the event participants highlighted the general problems of climate change affecting the following industries:

•          Energy

•          Agriculture

•          Industry / industrial

•          processes

•          Land use change,

•          forestry

•          Recycling

•          Transport and infrastructure

Special attention at the webinar was paid to the goals in the fight against climate change in Kazakhstan. The conditional goal for Kazakhstan was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by December 31, 2030 compared to the base year, subject to additional international investment, access to a low-carbon technology transfer mechanism, green climate funds and a flexible mechanism for countries with economies in transition. Meanwhile, the unconditional target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 15% by December 31, 2030 compared to the base year. These goals apply to the following sectors:

•          Energy

•          Agriculture

•          Recycling

•          Land use

•          Land use change and forestry

At the end of the webinar, the participants discussed the importance of joining forces to strengthen the Central Asian position. Assessing all the advantages, the countries aim to make Central Asia a real hero, unite efforts to achieve common goals, raise awareness at the regional and national levels

 The event was closed, and the results were summed up by Olzhas Agabekov, Director of the Department of Climate Policy and Green Technologies of the MEGPR of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the national focal point of the UNFCCC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Ismail Dairov, consultant of the project "Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin" (CAMP4ASB).

Stay tuned for further updates.
