International Consulting firm for organization of study tours for interdisciplinary learning and experience exchange in climate policy making

Terms of Reference and Scope of Services
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)

International Consulting firm for organization of study tours for interdisciplinary  learning and experience exchange in climate policy making

The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB) aims to enhance regional access to the improved climate change knowledge and climate services for project stakeholders (e.g. decision makers, communities, civil society) in participating Central Asian countries. CAMP4ASB also intends to improve regional access to investments and capacity-building that, combined, will address climate challenges common to these countries.
This assignment is to be carried under the Component 1 of the CAMP4ASB project, Regional Climate Knowledge Services, and refers to the following sub-activities of the project: 1.4. Knowledge products and 1.5. Capacity building.
1. Objectives
While various forms of climate mitigation strategies and targets – such as Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for Paris Agreement, renewable and energy efficiency strategies, green strategies and goals – are generally developed across Central Asia, climate adaptation and cross-sectorial integration of climate measures is not yet enough reflected in national regulations or used in regular practice. Climate science and services remain not enough connected with decision making, while resource mobilization to climate adaptation is rather limited.

The main objective of the Consulting Service is to organize three regional study tours for the decision-makers from Central Asia countries (10-15 persons) and two study tours for national project partners from Uzbekistan (8-10 persons) and Tajikistan (8-10 persons). These study tours will help governmental stakeholders to learn good practices of integrating climate risks and measures into national, local strategies and regulations in climate-sensitive sectors, e.g. water, energy, agriculture, tourism to improve water, energy and food security in the conditions of climate change and extreme weather events.

The results of capacity needs assessment conducted by the CAMP4ASB project show that governmental stakeholders are mainly interested in the following:
1. Governance and participatory decision making on climate adaptation:
1.1. Inter-sectoral dialogue and cooperation platforms on climate risks and adaptation that take into account opinions and interests of all relevant and affected stakeholders;
1.2. Mobilization of resources and fostering interest among the private and public sector actors in climate adaptation and risk reduction, including Paris Agreement;
2. Institutional frameworks and policy incentives for science-based approaches to planning and implementation of climate policies and measures:
2.1. Climate change modeling and use of climate projections in the assessment of impacts, risks and responses to climate change in various sectors and localities;
2.2. Economic (cost & benefit) assessment of climate and weather impacts and responses;
3. Climate awareness, knowledge and information dissemination:
3.1. Tools and approaches for producing and disseminating climate information for greater impact on policies and the public and support of the society and key sectors in their preparedness and responses to weather and climate extremes;
3.2. Methods for preparing climate information that is easy to understand and use by various social groups and economic sectors. Information sharing systems.
4. Monitoring and evaluation of climate policies and measures:
4.1. Results-based governance, key performance indicators of climate policies;
4.2. Integration of climate change context into sectorial regulations, plans, policies and practices: agriculture, energy and water management.

2. Scope of Work – Tasks, Deliverables and Schedule
The study tour / familiarization visit should provide for the following scope of work:

 Design and development of the general work plan for organization of one-week study tours in 2019-2020, including three visits for the regional group (consisting of representatives from Central Asia countries, in the range of 10-15 persons per group) and two individual visits for national delegations from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan (number of participants: 10 persons per visit);
 Development of the proposal & concept for the scope of each study tour, including country, timing and specific locations, target group, justification of the learning topics and its relevance to Central Asia conditions, including business and policy practices to explore in study tours, and expected results;
 Design of the draft agenda and regular liaison with CAMP4ASB project, to achieve the optimal compositions of delegations and results. It is expected that delegates will represent the governmental agencies on environment, finance, economy planning, water and WSS utilities, agriculture, energy, hydrometeorological and climate services, possibly with representatives from foreign ministries, parliaments and local administrations;
 Development of policy briefs on each specific learning topic (including, current situation and recommendations) at least one month beforehand. The participants of the study-tour will use this documentation prior, during and after the visit;
 Communication with hosting organizations and key speakers;
 Implementation of all necessary logistical arrangements, including the organization of the round tables, meetings and site-visits, visa facilitation, international/local travel and hotel accommodation, interpretation and other arrangements;
 Accompanying the national and regional delegations during the entire duration of the study tours and participation on the meetings;
 Formulation of recommendations, informed by the new experience and knowledge received, for follow-up actions at the domestic and sector levels;
• Preparation of a detailed report for each study tour, which will include the following:
1) Policy brief relevant to the study tour;
2) A brief overview of the study visit including a list of meetings and persons contacted;
3) Conclusions and observations from meeting;
4) A general assessment involving best practices and other recommendations for national and local governments.
 All deliverables under this Task should be available in interactive format and placed on Central Asia Climate Information Platform (CACIP).

Proposed timetable:
# Deliverables: Due date
1 The work plan for organization of one-week study tours for regional and national delegations for 2019-2021 developed *. It is expected to organize three regional study tours for the decision-makers from Central Asia and two study tours for national project partners from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan as follows:
1.1. The regional study tour on best practices in incorporating climate change considerations into national investment programmes for representatives of national agencies, responsible for investments attraction (November - December 2019). Proposed countries: Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, China, Spain;
1.2. Two study tour on best practices in incorporating climate change considerations into agricultural policies, plans, regulations and investment programmes for representatives of ministries of agriculture and local administrations of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan (February-May 2020) Proposed countries: Switzerland, Turkey, Israel;
1.3. The regional study-tour on best practices in inter-sectoral dialogue and national legislation for sustainable climate risks management and adaptation for representatives of foreign ministries and parliaments (August-September, 2020); Proposed countries: Switzerland
1.4. The regional study-tour on best practices on results-based governance and application of key performance indicators in monitoring and evaluation of the national and local climate policies for representatives of the ministries of economy (October-November 2020). Proposed countries: Finland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands November 2019
2 Proposal for the scope of the study tours (concept), country, time and locations, justification of the learning topics relevance, business and policy practices to explore during the study tour, incl., expected results and M&E indicators submitted and agreed with project staff November 2019
3 The LoPs was developed as per official nominations from national government (at least 1 months prior to study tour organization) November 2019 - February 2021
4 Analysis and development of policy briefs on each specific learning topic, including, current situation and recommendations, background material development, translation in Russian (at least one month prior to study tour organization) submitted and agreed with project staff. Word, Power Point and interactive format (available on CACIP). November 2019 - February 2021
5 Logistical support provided, including the organization of the round table, meetings and site-visits, international/local travel, visa, hotel accommodation, interpretation into Russian and English and vice versa and other arrangements November 2019 - February 2021
6 Organization and conduction of the Study Tours November 2019 - February 2021
7 Summary with key messages from experience exchange and recommendations for follow-up actions at the domestic and sector levels in Microsoft Word (English and Russian) and Power Point presentation (at least one month after the study tour) submitted and agreed with project staff. Word, Power Point and interactive format (available on CACIP). November 2019 - February 2021
* study tour agenda and dates will be optimized to the availability and composition of delegates from Central Asia and host country convenience.

3. Required Qualifications
• Proven experience in the organization of environment-related study tours, trainings or learning events for representatives from Central Asia;
• Strong contacts with state and non-state climate actors in EU countries and beyond;
 Extensive experience (at least 5 years) in the development and design of policy briefs or scorecards, facilitation of multi-stakeholder networks and information products in the area of natural resource management, climate change and hydrometeorology;
 Previous working background in climate change issues in Central Asia is desirable;
 Excellent understanding of the target audience and user perceptions in Central Asia;
 Excellent language skills in English and Russian;
 Ability to offer cost-effective budget.

4. Reporting Requirements
• The consultant will report to the RCU Coordinator
• The estimated duration of the consultancy is October 2019 – February 2021
Mr. Sanzhar Mustafin,
Procurement Specialist
Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia
40, Orbita-1, A15D5B3, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan,