International Consultant (firm) for Building adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change in the Central Asia.

Terms of Reference and Scope of Services

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)


International Consultant (firm) for


Building adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change in the Central Asia



The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB) aims to enhance regional access to the improved climate change knowledge and climate services for project stakeholders (e.g. decision makers, communities, civil society) in participating Central Asian countries. CAMP4ASB also intends to improve regional access to investments and capacity-building that, combined, will address climate challenges common to these countries.

This assignment is to be carried under the Component 1 of the CAMP4ASB project, Regional Climate Knowledge Services, and refers to the following sub-activities of the project: 1.1. Strengthening the Information Platform for Central Asia; 1.3. Developing methodologies, approaches, and tools for decision support; 1.4. Developing knowledge products; and 1.5. Building capacity.[1]


1.       Objectives

The main objectives of the Consulting Services are to provide consultancy services, build capacity and produce knowledge products for increased adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change of Central Asia countries through evidence-based national/sectoral/sub-national level policy making. Consultant will refer to the National Adaptation Planning process, national, sectoral strategic programs and strategies, Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for Paris Agreement and other commitments under UNFCCC. All deliverables under this assignment should be available in interactive format and placed on Central Asia Climate Information Platform (CACIP). These activities will be implemented in close collaboration with the CAMP4ASB project team and national project partners, as well as in cooperation with international organizations, projects and programs on climate change adaptation in CA countries resulting in following outputs:


Task 1. Climate risks and vulnerability assessment conducted and updated at national/sub-national/sectoral levels.

All Central Asia countries – are highly vulnerable to projected climate changes. The objective of this Task is to conduct and update relevant climate vulnerability and risk assessment (incl., economic valuation) in the climate-sensitive sectors: agriculture, energy, water, forestry and health, as well as in the selected project sites, identified together with national key stakeholders and CAMP4ASB project team. All deliverables under this Task should be available in interactive format and located on Central Asia Climate Information Platform (CACIP). Specifically, the study aims to do the following:

1.1.          Collection (desk research, interviews, focus group discussions), review and analysis of the available information from key national stakeholders, relevant institutions, national and regional experts on: (a) climate data (incl., existing data of weather pattern including rainfall, precipitation, temperature as well as trends of key hazards including floods, heat waves, droughts, etc., including local areas), (b) projecting climate change impacts in selected areas and/or sectors, (c) vulnerability and climate risks assessments, (d) mainstreaming adaptation in national, sub-national and sectoral development programs, (e) gender mainstreaming of climate resilience at policy and operational levels, (f) climate-resilient and/or adaptation investments, (g) adaptation indicators (incl. gender focused resilience indicators) to monitor national, sub-national and sectoral development programs; etc.;

1.2.          Identification of research gaps for decision making in the climate-sensitive sectors: agriculture, energy, water, forestry and health, prioritization and development of recommendations to address them in priority thematic areas;

1.3.          Develop and/or adapt existed methodologies on qualitative and quantitative vulnerability and climate risks assessment on national and/or sub-national levels (including, economic assessment), based on scientific research and modeling, for informed decision making (incl., investment decisions);

1.4.          Discuss, agree with national stakeholders and finalize the methodology on vulnerability and climate risks assessment;

1.5.          Identify the key climate change hazards countries and/or communities are faced with and the specific related impacts on farming select farm assets including crops, livestock, water resources and forests, as well as operations and services;

1.6.          Assess current coping mechanisms and overall adaptive capacity on national and sub-national levels, and their extent of effectiveness;

1.7.          Undertake community-based appraisal of vulnerability and adaptive capacity including socio-economic analysis of differential vulnerability to climate hazards in selected project sites;

1.8.          Develop an interactive vulnerability maps and profiles of the countries and most vulnerable local communities;

1.9.          Economic assessment and analysis of the socio-economic impacts of the identified climate change hazards on the countries and/or communities;

1.10.      Provide relevant technical inputs to the assessments of risks and impacts of decisions on natural resource management in the selected project areas;

1.11.      Support in collecting information, conceptualization, development and design of relevant knowledge products (methodologies, synthesis reports, vulnerability profiles, assessments, policy briefs, training modules, video courses, webinars, etc.) to support evidence-based decision-making process;

1.12.      Deliver the presentations on methodology, results of assessment and recommendations on national and regional project events (CACCC, roundtables and workshops);

1.13.      Mainstream in the work gender-based data to inform the impact on the climate change on each specific category;

1.14.      Perform other relevant tasks as required.


Task 2. Adaptation measures and methodology for their integration into key national/sub-national/sectoral policies, plans and investments programs recommended.

Activities under this Task will give decisions makers the adequate tools/information to integrate climate change in mid-term and long-term adaptation programs/policies/strategies. Special attention will be paid to provide support in integration of adaptation measures into development plan in identified most vulnerable local communities and selected project sites, identified together with national key stakeholders and CAMP4ASB project team. All deliverables under this Task should be available in interactive format and located on Central Asia Climate Information Platform (CACIP).

2.1.          Based on results of climate risks and vulnerability assessment to develop recommendations on adaptation options for national/sub-national/sectoral policies and investments programs, including their costs and benefits;

2.2.          Based on best international practice and relevance for national circumstances to suggest 2-3 methodologies/mechanisms/instruments for mainstreaming of adaptation into country/sector/local communities development agenda and investments programs in terms of their application in future adaptation planning;

2.3.          Conduct multi-stakeholder national consultations to identify, confirm and prioritize adaptation options, as well as the methodologies/mechanisms/instruments for integration of climate change risks in national/sub-national/sectoral policies and investments programs;

2.4.          Develop and/or adapt existed methodologies/mechanisms/instruments, recommended for integration of climate change risks and identified adaptation measures in national/sub-national/sectoral policies, plans and investments programs;

2.5.          Support the design, drafting or provide inputs for developing/updating national/sub-national/sectoral strategies and investments programs related to implementation of National Adaptation Plans, NDCs and other commitments under UNFCCC;

2.6.          Contribution into implementation of national/sub-national/sectoral adaptation framework, incl. investments programs;

2.7.          Support in collecting information, conceptualization, development and design of relevant knowledge products (methodologies, synthesis reports, training modules, policy briefs, video courses, webinars, etc.) to support evidence-based decision-making process;

2.8.          Deliver the presentations on methodology, results of assessment and recommendations on national and regional project events (CACCC, roundtables and workshops);

2.9.          Perform other relevant tasks as required.


Task 3. Building capacity for mainstreaming climate change adaptation into national/sub-national/sectoral planning and investment programs

The main objective of this Task is to provide support in development, undertaking, monitoring and reporting on regional and national capacity building program to enhance, implement and monitor the adaptive measures for the mid-term and/or long-term resilience against climate change of stakeholders from national/local government authorities. Consultant will refer on results of the Rapid Capacity Building (CB) Needs Assessment, conducted in the 1st quarter 2019. As per results of this Assessment, the governance and decision making; institutional framework and processes; knowledge generation, information and data-sharing, as well as monitoring and evaluation - are priority areas for strengthening capacity of stakeholders from government agencies (ministries and/or agencies of agriculture, energy, water resources, environment protection, disaster preparedness and other relevant agencies). Under this Task Consultant will:

3.1.          Identify specific capacity building needs at sub-national and central institutional level (ministries and/or agencies of agriculture, water resources, environment protection, disaster preparedness and other relevant agencies) in the areas of: (1) governance and decision making; (2) institutional framework and processes; (3) knowledge generation, information and data-sharing; (4) monitoring;

3.2.          Develop the CB Program for 2019-2021 to address identified specific needs;

3.3.          Conceptualize and develop training materials which can be used to train stakeholders/ beneficiaries on national and sub-national levels (on-line training module, methodological recommendations, ToT, video-course, etc.), including climate risks and vulnerability assessment and strategic planning;

3.4.          Coordinate, implement, monitor, evaluate and report on capacity building activities (at least 2 trainings per year in each country and at least 2 regional trainings per year for staff of partner institutions from Central Asia countries), including contribution in development of the concepts/agenda, ToRs for trainers, invitations, visa, LoP package of training materials, guidance/facilitation, reporting, etc.;

3.5.          Provide technical assistance (incl., development of M&E indicators) for effective monitoring and evaluation of capacity building activities and timely reporting (incl. recommendations);

3.6.          Perform other relevant tasks as required.

2.       Scope of Work – Tasks, Deliverables and Schedule

Results of this assignment (practical case studies, training modules, on-line courses, etc.) will serve as a part (Climate Classroom) of the Central Asia Climate Information Platform (CACIP). These activities will be implemented in close coordination of the CAMP4ASB project team and project partners (in Central Asia countries), as well as in cooperation with organizations, projects, programs, initiatives on climate change adaptation in CA countries resulting in following outputs:



Task 1. Climate risks and vulnerability assessment conducted and updated at national/sub-national/sectoral levels. Proposed timetable and deliverables:






The synthesis report on: (a) climate data (incl., existing data of weather pattern including rainfall, precipitation, temperature as well as trends of key hazards including floods, heat waves, droughts, etc., including local areas), (b) projecting climate change impacts in selected areas and/or sectors, (c) vulnerability and climate risks assessments, (d) mainstreaming adaptation in national, sub-national and sectoral development programs, (e) gender mainstreaming of climate resilience at policy and operational levels, (f) climate-resilient and/or adaptation investments, (g) adaptation indicators (incl. gender focused resilience indicators) to monitor national, sub-national and sectoral development programs; etc.; in Central Asia countries). Word, Power Point and interactive version (available on CACIP).



Expertise and inputs into development of national/sectoral/local strategies related to implementation of national and sectoral strategic programs and strategies, NDC and other commitments under UNFCCC, including prioritized adaptation options, implementation arrangements, implementation risks, training and capacity building plan, budget, and input into the project design and monitoring framework. Monthly technical reports.

November 2019 – February 2021


Technical and expert contribution into implementation of national/sub-national/sectoral adaptation and investment framework. Monthly technical reports.

November 2019 – February 2021


Draft methodology on vulnerability and climate risks assessment on national and/or sub-national levels (including, economic assessment)



National stakeholders’ consultations to agree the methodology. Meeting reports/protocols



Final version of the methodology on vulnerability and climate risks assessment on national and/or sub-national levels (incl., economic assessment). Word, Power Point and interactive version (on-line Training Module and webinars on CACIP).



Synthesis report on vulnerability and climate risks assessment on national and sub-national levels (incl., forecasts) in Word, Power Point and interactive format (available on CACIP).



Interactive vulnerability maps (regional and national), vulnerability profiles of the countries and most vulnerable local communities (available on CACIP).



Report on economic assessment of vulnerability and climate risks on national and sub-national levels (incl. socio-economic impacts of the identified climate change hazards on the countries and/or communities) in Word, Power Point and interactive format (available on CACIP). Policy briefs for national governments.



Task 2. Adaptation measures and methodology for their integration into key national/sub-national/sectoral policies, plans and investments programs recommended. Proposed timetable and deliverables:



Due date


Recommendations on adaptation options for national/sub-national/sectoral policies and investment programs: Analytical paper with recommended adaptation options on national/sub-national/sectoral levels, Power Point and interactive version are available on CACIP.



Information on available methodologies/mechanisms/instruments for integration of climate change risks in national/sub-national/sectoral policies, investment programs and recommendations on most 2-3 relevant as per national contexts. The analytical report.



Multi-stakeholder national consultations to identify, confirm and prioritize adaptation options, as well as the methodologies/mechanisms/instruments for integration of climate change risks in national/sub-national/sectoral policies and investment programs. Meeting reports/protocols, Power Point are available on CACIP.



Draft methodologies/mechanisms/instruments on integration of climate change risks and adaptation measures in national/sub-national/sectoral policies and investment programs



Policy briefs (national and regional) on priority adaptation options on national/sub-national/sectoral levels and investment programs. Word, Power Point and interactive version are available on CACIP.



Final version of the methodology/mechanisms/instruments, recommended for integration of climate change risks and adaptation measures in national/sub-national/sectoral policies and investment programs. Word, Power Point and interactive version (on-line Training Module and webinars on CACIP).



Task 3. Building capacity for mainstreaming climate change adaptation into national/sub-national/sectoral planning and investment program. Proposed timetable and deliverables:



Due date


Organization of the national consultation meetings (interviews, focus group discussions) aimed to identify specific CB needs of Gov’t stakeholders in the areas of: (1) governance and decision making; (2) institutional framework and processes; (3) knowledge generation, information and data-sharing; (4) monitoring. Meeting reports/protocols



The draft capacity building program for 2019-2021 (incl., national and regional levels) submitted for national and regional project partner for consideration



The final version of the capacity building program for 2019-2021



Organization of the capacity building activities on national/sub-national (at least 2 in each country per year) and regional levels (at least 2 per year) for staff of partner institutions, including design of the concept, agenda, ToRs for trainers, invitations, logistics, LoP, guidance/facilitation, M&E, reporting, on-line Training Module/webinar, etc. On-line Training Modules/webinars are available on CACIP.

January 2020 – February 2021


Collecting information, conceptualization, development and design of relevant knowledge products (methodologies, synthesis reports, training modules, policy briefs, video courses, webinars, etc.) to support evidence-based decision-making process in Word, Power Point and interactive format (are available on CACIP).

November 2019 – February 2021


Organization of the relevant sessions during CACCC in 2020 and 2021 and presentations on methodology, results of assessment and recommendations on other national and regional project events

November 2019 – February 2021


3.       Qualification Requirements

  • At least 5 years of experience in vulnerability and climate risks assessment, economic assessment and cost-benefit analysis;

  • Proven record of policy analysis, development and reforms (incl., investment), especially involving climate change and its impacts in the agriculture sector, energy, water, forestry and health;

  • At least 5 years work experience in climate risk management/ disaster risk reduction work in Central Asia countries;

  • At least 5 years of cooperation experience with national hydrometeorology, economic and statistical institutions in Central Asia countries;

  • At least 5 years’ experience working with rural communities in Central Asia on climate change issues (especially, in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan);

  • At least 5 years’ experience in the development and design of policy briefs, stakeholder’s engagement and facilitation of multi-stakeholder discussions in the area of environment and climate change in Central Asia;

  • At least 5 years’ experience with donor-funded projects in Central Asia;

  • Access to the national and local climate and hydrology data, statistics, as well as internationally recognized datasets;

  • Knowledge of integrated land use planning including landscape and ecosystem management;

  • Experience in gender mainstreaming on national/sub-national/sectoral levels and investment programs;

  • Administrative capacity to implement logistics arrangements on national/sub-national levels in Central Asia countries (including, visa, travel and other implementation arrangements);

  • Excellent language skills in English and Russian;

  • Knowledge of local languages will be an asset.


4.       Reporting Requirements

  • The consultant will report to the RCU Coordinator
  • The estimated duration of the consultancy is November 2019 – February 2021

[1] For more details about the project and description of all components and subcomponents please, refer to the CAMP4ASB Project Appraisal Document (PAD)