Международный консультант по повышению потенциала представителей СМИ Центральной Азии

Implementation Readiness of the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)


Terms of Reference for

International Consultant

On building capacity of Central Asian media professionals

1.       Background

On November 3, 2015, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved an allocation of US$38 million from the International Development Association (IDA) to finance the first phase of the CAMP4ASB regional program. This approved financing includes US$9 million for Tajikistan, US$14 million for Uzbekistan, and US$15 million for regional activities to be implemented by the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC-IFAS) with support from the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) for day-to-day regional coordination and implementation.

The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB) aims to enhance regionally coordinated access to improved climate change knowledge services for key stakeholders (e.g., policy makers, communities, and civil society) in participating Central Asian countries as well as to increased investments and capacity building that, combined, will address climate challenges common to these countries. CAMP4ASB[1] is comprised of three components as follows:

Component 1: Regional Climate Knowledge Services

Component 2: Regional Climate Investment Facility

Component 3: Regional and National Coordination

To strengthen the knowledge and capacity base for climate action and facilitate regional dialogue and multi-stakeholder engagement for an effective climate response at scale

To provide financing and technical assistance to rural communities for climate-smart investments that will generate lessons and experience for scaled-up climate action in priority areas common to all Central Asian countries

For oversight, coordination, and implementation support at regional and national levels


1.1. Strengthening the Information Platform for Central Asia

1.2. Targeted upgrading of climate-related monitoring systems

1.3. Developing methodologies, approaches, and tools for decision support

1.4. Developing knowledge products

1.5. Building capacity

1.6. Setting up a Climate Investment Assessment Mechanism

1.7. Outreach and coalition building


2.1. Investment Financing

2.2. Capacity Building and Community Support


3.1 Regional Coordination

3.2 National Coordination



This assignment is to be carried under the Component 1 of the CAMP4ASB project , “Regional Climate Knowledge Services”, and refers to the following sub-activities of the project: 1.5. “Building capacity”, 1.7. “Outreach and coalition building”.

2.       Objectives of the assignment   

The main objective of the assignment is to build capacity of media professionals from the countries of Central Asia on climate change and ensure better coverage of the topic in the region and beyond.

3.       Scope of work and tasks

In his/her activity the International Consultant shall be guided by the Project Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. He/she will be responsible for providing support to the RCU in the following activities:

1.    Conduct a desk-research/ interviews with potential participants to identify current and past training programs focused on climate change issues in the region of Central Asia conducted by other partners. Identify gaps and provide recommendations on better media coverage in the region.
2.    Based on the results of the desk research develop a comprehensive training program that will offer a fresh training content.
3.    Provide recommendations to the members of the selection committee to identify the participants for the regional training from professional mass media from all five countries of Central Asia (at least 5 members from every country)
4.    Identify speakers and experts as necessary to present expert content at the training.
5.    Conduct a regional 3-days training with a focus on climate-change issues in the region (2 days classroom exercises with the use of lectures, tests and practicum, assuring an interactive approach for capacity building module and facilitate 1 day - field visit).
6.    Conduct a series of the national 1-day trainings with a focus on climate-change issues in the region (1 day classroom exercises with the use of lectures, tests and practicum, assuring an interactive approach for capacity building module).
7.    Assure pre- and post-training assessment and provide reports


Deliverables (All Deliverables are due in Russian and English):



Individual work plan to indicate the timeline for the deliverables and processes is formulated and approved

30 May, 2019


Desk study / interview is conducted, the gaps are identified and recommendations are provided

15 June, 2019


Comprehensive training program/module based on the results of the review that offers an interactive combination of lectures, tests and workshops for media professionals is developed

28 June, 2019


The list of participants for the regional training from professional mass media from all five countries of Central Asia is determined

5 July, 2019


The speakers and experts as necessary to present expert content at the training are identified

10 July, 2019


Pre- and post-assessment tools (questionnaire) to assess the effectiveness of the training designed and integrated into the program

1 August, 2019


A two-days regional training for media professionals from the countries of Central Asia on climate change issues in the region is conducted (in Almaty)

21-22 August, 2019


Facilitation of field trip visit (on the 3rd Day, near Almaty) is assured as well as supporting of the participants on developing media products is performed and checked up

23 August, 2019


A series of one-day national trainings for media professionals on climate change issues in the region is conducted (in Dushanbe, Tashkent, Bishkek, Astana)

26 August – 26 September, 2019


The final report on the results of the trainings (regional and nationals) and field visit, including lessons learned and recommendations is developed

10 October, 2019


The post-workshop survey (approx. 3 months after the training completion) to assess the workshop's effectiveness and capacity of media is conducted

15 December, 2019


The summary of results of the post-workshop survey and recommendations is provided

25 December, 2019


4.       Qualification and experience requirement

Education & Experience:

·      University degree and at least 10 years of experience in journalism, social sciences, or related fields

·      Sound experience in designing and delivering capacity building exercises (trainings) for journalists and mass media in Central Asia

·      Experience of working in the region, good understanding of media content/processes in the region

·      Work experience in the field of climate change and/or environment will be an advantage

·      Work experience in the international or cross regional media will be an advantage

Personal qualities:

·      Excellent communication, including report writing, and inter-personal skills

·      Excellent team-player

·      Evidence of strong analytical skills, and problem identification and solving

Communication and computer skills:

·      Computer skills (MS office, MS Word, MS Excel, Power point, Internet E-mail etc.) is required

·      Fluency in written and spoken English and Russian


5.       Timeline and Reporting

The estimated duration of the consultancy will be May – December, 2019. Tentative number of working days is up to 25.

The Consultant shall report to the CAMP4ASB RCU Coordinator.

[1] For more details about the project and description of all components and subcomponents please, refer to the CAMP4ASB Project Appraisal Document (PAD)

Заинтересованным кандидатам предлагается прислать свои подробные резюме на русском и/или английском языках и сопроводительное письмо Санжару Мустафину, специалисту по закупкам проекта CAMP4ASB, не позднее 11:00 (время алматинское) 27 мая 2019 года. E-mail: SMustafin@carececo.org 

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