Budget: 331 755,70 EUR
Starting date: March 2013
Ending date: April 2016
Donors: European Union
Partners: GIZ (German International Cooperation Agency), GFA Consulting Group (Germany), CAREC (Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia), National Ministries of energy in all Central Asian countries, Ministries (Committees) of environment and nature protection.
There are common issues with regard to maintaining energy security in Central Asia. It is strongly assumed that demand for energy in the region will continue to grow at considerable rates and some forecasts suggest that it may increase by 60% to 80% over the next two decades. The countries plan to address this challenge through rehabilitation of the existing and construction of new capacities, but these intentions face multiple economic and institutional barriers. Hence, the project “Sustainable Energy Programme in Central Asia: energy efficiency and renewable energy sources” aims to contribute to the increased security, reliability and efficiency of energy supplies in the Central Asian countries and thereby to improve the preconditions for regional integration of efficient and sustainable energy systems and increased cooperation with European Union countries. The project is implemented by a consortium (GIZ, GFA and CAREC) and led by GIZ.
The key objective of the project is to assist in the set-up of the necessary policy, regulatory and institutional mechanisms enabling the penetration of renewable energy sources in the energy mix of the beneficiary countries as well as increasing the energy efficiency at national level (as measured by the energy intensity of the national economies), notably through the introduction of new, efficient and ecologically safe power plants enabled by the development of renewable energy sources for electricity generation in accordance with each country priorities. The objective of the project will be achieved through implementation of the following components:
Component 1. Support to policy design and formulation towards the introduction of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources at national and regional levels
Component 2. Professional development of local partners in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources policies and instruments
Component 3. Ensure the implementation of sustainable pilot projects in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
Component 4. Awareness-raising on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources
Component 5. Integration with INOGATE projects
Central Asia
The project achieved the following outputs: