CACIP is the Central Asian Climate Information Platform, which is aimed is to help stakeholders to access, analyze, and visualize public-domain data to support improved awareness, assessment, and decision support. This is expected to make available comprehensive and up-to-date relevant data and information, linking with high-quality datasets (including time series and spatial information) from global, regional, and local sources, provide analytical tools and interfaces for the visualization and interpretation of data and information (e.g. mapping tools to layer data and map hotspots and areas at risk, screening tools, etc.).

CACIP development is funded by the World Bank within the framework of Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB), implementing by the EC IFAS and the Central Asia Regional Environmental Center (CAREC).

CACIP covers the five Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. It also provides regional outlook, as well as country specific information.

CACIP Newsletter. Issue 1.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 2.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 3.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 4.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 5.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 6.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 7.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 8.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 9.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 10.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 11.
CACIP Newsletter. Issue 12
CACIP. Frequently asked questions (FAQs).