Regional climate information and knowledge sharing synthesis, Summary Report

Regional summary report on climate knowledge needs assessment was developed under Component 1.1 of the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB), by international experts and based on the reports of national experts from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

The summary report was designed to answer two questions:

1)      What kinds of climate-related information and knowledge do stakeholders in Central Asia need,

2)      How would the stakeholders like to receive and use climate-related information?

The report identifies existing information and resource capacity on climate change that had already been produced in the region, in order to avoid any further replications. Institutional arrangements and key stakeholders are determined as climate change information recepients in the countries. It also provides SWOT analysis, identifying the Capacity Gaps and Priority Needs on the climate related knowledge products based on the interview conducted with representatives of different sectors in four countries of Central Asia.

Regional climate information and knowledge sharing synthesis, Summary Report

This publication is available in Russian