The Central Asia Energy and Water Development Program (CAEWDP) is a partnership between the World Bank, the European Commission, Switzerland (through SECO), the United Kingdom (through DFID), and the United States (through USAID) to address the challenges of cross-border system interlinkages and national and regional energy and water resources management. The objective of the CAEWDP seeks to strengthen the enabling environment to promote energy and water security at regional level and in the beneficiary countries. Structured along three themes: (1) energy development; (2) energy-water linkages; and (3) water productivity the program pursued three outcome areas since its inception in 2009: (a) investment preparation; (b) regional institutions; (c) diagnostics and analysis. CAEWDP supports the beneficiary countries in achieving their water and energy resources management priorities through national and regional actions, addressing the existing challenges and identifying opportunities to generate benefits at the national level and through regional cooperation. These priorities are framed by the “3-I”s – information, institutions, and investments. CAEWDP promotes an enabling environment for water and energy security through generation of knowledge, strengthening of capacity and dialogue processes, and identification of investments. From inception, the program broadened its engagement progressively from diagnostic analyses and information to increasingly strengthening institutions and to catalyzing investments.