International Consultant on Climate Knowledge and Information Management

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB)

Terms of Reference for International Consultant on

Climate Knowledge and Information Management

1.       Background

On November 3, 2015, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved an allocation of US$38 million from the International Development Association (IDA) to finance the first phase of the CAMP4ASB regional program. This approved financing includes US$9 million for Tajikistan, US$14 million for Uzbekistan, and US$15 million for regional activities to be implemented by the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC-IFAS) with support from the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC) for day-to-day regional coordination and implementation.

The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB) aims to enhance regionally coordinated access to improved climate change knowledge services for key stakeholders (e.g., policy makers, communities, and civil society) in participating Central Asian countries as well as to increased investments and capacity building that, combined, will address climate challenges common to these countries. CAMP4ASB[1] is comprised of three components as follows:

Component 1: Regional Climate Knowledge Services

Component 2: Regional Climate Investment Facility

Component 3: Regional and National Coordination

To strengthen the knowledge and capacity base for climate action and facilitate regional dialogue and multi-stakeholder engagement for an effective climate response at scale

To provide financing and technical assistance to rural communities for climate-smart investments that will generate lessons and experience for scaled-up climate action in priority areas common to all Central Asian countries

For oversight, coordination, and implementation support at regional and national levels


1.1. Strengthening the Information Platform for Central Asia

1.2. Targeted upgrading of climate-related monitoring systems

1.3. Developing methodologies, approaches, and tools for decision support

1.4. Developing knowledge products

1.5. Building capacity

1.6. Setting up a Climate Investment Assessment Mechanism

1.7. Outreach and coalition building


2.1. Investment Financing

2.2. Capacity Building and Community Support


3.1 Regional Coordination

3.2 National Coordination

2.       Objectives of the assignment   

The main objective of the assignment is:

·         To assess current state of knowledge on climate change impacts, human, technical and financial capacity and institutional arrangements in countries of Central Asia;

·         Determine climate change related information and datasets needed to support the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation response, facilitating a discussion with relevant government and non-government institutions and other practitioners on needs and priorities;

·         To design a climate change knowledge and information platform targeting key knowledge services and capacities, based on international best practices, taking into account national circumstances, and leveraging existing knowledge resources and capacities;

3.       Scope of work and tasks

Under the guidance of the RCU, International Consultant will consolidate the country-based outputs/ reports, provided by national experts in all countries of Central Asia to assess current state of climate change knowledge, determine climate-related information needs and possibility of exchange, as well as design the content of the regional information platform, which will address the needs of Central Asian users in accessing climate related information and data in a more user friendly manner (e.g. visuals, graphs, maps, etc).  

Specific tasks:

·         Examine current state of knowledge on climate change impacts, human, technical and financial capacity and institutional arrangements relevant to climate change modeling, vulnerability assessment, designing respective adaptation and mitigation measures in Central Asian countries;

·         Determine climate change related information and datasets needed to support the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation response, facilitating a discussion with relevant government and non-government institutions and other practitioners on needs and priorities;

·         Find out research needs of the country with respect to climate change adaptation and mitigation; determine methodological needs for development of adaptation/mitigation programs;

·         Assess existing climate change related information resources and database management systems and procedures in place, as well as existing technical and physical capacities;

·         Design a climate change knowledge management and information platform targeting key knowledge services and capacities, to support the Central Asian countries to adequately respond to climate change challenges, based on international best practices, taking into account national circumstances, leveraging existing knowledge resources and capacities and integrating external sources of knowledge and information;

·         Provide mentoring, support and assistance to team of national consultants to update capacity needs assessment and to design a comprehensive knowledge management and information platform which responds to the needs identified.





Relevance to WP


Develop an approach towards implementation of the assignment

·   Concept note on agreed approach towards implementation of the assignment, including outline of report and respective forms, work plan, etc

·   Updated TORs of national consultants who will support IC in gathering information at the country based level

By 25 December 2016


Identify current state of knowledge on climate change in the countries of Central Asia

·   Identified current state of knowledge on climate change impacts, human, technical and financial capacity and institutional arrangements relevant to climate change modeling, vulnerability assessment, designing respective adaptation and mitigation measures in countries of Central Asia;

·   Assessed existing institutional multi-stakeholder frameworks in the countries for climate change mitigation/adaptation planning and decision making process.

By 20 February 2017

WP 1.1., 2.1., 3.1 and 5.1.


Identify and classify information, data and research needs of stakeholders in climate adaptation/mitigation in Central Asia

·   Determined and categorized various prospective users of regional knowledge and information platform within community of experts and institutions working on climate change;

·   Identified and prioritized needs and requirements for weather, hydrological and climate data, research, methodologies and analytical tools, models and applications, capacity development and training needs which form the necessary components for information supply chain to support a range of climate adaptation/mitigation actions. Based on this assessment, the consultant should elaborate:

o    matrix of information and data needs of key stakeholders in adaptation/mitigation planning, with description of how identified gaps restrain more effective climate adaptation/mitigation planning and implementation in the countries;

o    program of themes and detailed topics for capacity building, linked to identified capacity gaps;

o    list of needs for new methodologies and assessment approaches, with description how they fit into existing needs;

·   Assessed existing climate change related information resources and database management systems and procedures in place, as well as existing technical and physical capacities;

o    Defined type of information/data exchange national stakeholders will be interested in exchanging with counterparts in neighboring countries.

By 20 March 2017

WP 1.1., 3.1 and 5.1.


Develop a concept for regional a climate change knowledge and information platform;

·   Concept for regional climate change knowledge and information platform targeting key knowledge services and capacities, to support the Central Asian countries to adequately respond to climate change challenges, based on international best practices, taking into account national circumstances, and leveraging existing knowledge resources and capacities; The concept should be based on findings from previous tasks and also include:

o    an overview of main user types, description of prospective content, type of information/data;

o    vision on overall architecture of the prospective platform and its functionality; the platform is expected to be following open data practices, starting from publicly available datasets and promoting further information sharing.

By 20 April 2017

WP 1.1

4.       Qualification and experience requirement


·      PhD or Master’s Degree in environmental management, hydrometeorology, profile on climate change is an advantage.


·      At least ten years of professional experience in nature resource management, with particular focus on climate change. Professional experience in climate services needs assessment, climate knowledge and information management, capacity building, climate readiness program, etc is an asset.

·      Experience of working in Central Asia, good awareness of climate change challenges in the region is desired;;

·      Experience in stocktaking of data and information, interviewing and facilitating with national and international stakeholders.

·      Excellent analytical skills and ability to write-up assessment reports/overviews.

·      Good communication and networking skills with governmental and non-governmental entities.

Personal qualities:

·      Applicants must demonstrate enthusiasm for, and commitment, to sustainable development and environmental management.

·      Excellent team-player.

·      Evidence of strong analytical skills, and problem identification and solving.

·      Ability and willingness to travel to countries of Central Asia.

Communication and computer skills:

·      Computer skills (MS office, MS Word, MS Excel, Power point, Internet E-mail etc.) is required, experience with establishing and maintaining databases will be an advantage.

·      Fluency in written and spoken English. Spoken knowledge of Russian is advised.

5.       Timeline and Reporting

The estimated duration of the consultancy will be December 2016 – April 2017 with the possibility of the contract renewal. Tentative number of working days is up to 60.

The Consultant shall report to the CAMP4ASB RCU Climate Change Specialist.

[1] For more details about the project and description of all components and subcomponents please, refer to the CAMP4ASB Project Appraisal Document (PAD)

All interested candidates may review the detailed Terms of References and submit their CVs, technical and financial proposal (in a separate sealed envelope) to Sanzhar Mustafin at and not later than December 10, 2016.

Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted.