Targeted Upgrading Of Climate-Related Monitoring Systems In The Republic Of Tajikistan - 2

The Design Of Radio-Relay Communication Lines. The Realization Of Project On Creating Microwave Radio Relay Communication For Four Automatic Weather Stations Of Tajikhydromet.

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC)

announces a specific procurement notice: 

Name of the position:

Targeted upgrading of climate-related monitoring systems in the Republic of Tajikistan:

The design of radio-relay communication lines. The realization of project on creating Microwave radio relay communication for four Automatic Weather Stations of Tajikhydromet.

Host organization:

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia


Almaty, Kazakhstan

Starting date:

January, 2020

Duration and form of contract:  

6 months

All bids must be delivered

by 15:00 on 15 January 2020


COUNTRY: Republic of Kazakhstan

NAME OF PROJECT: “Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin”

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Targeted upgrading of climate-related monitoring systems in the Republic of Tajikistan:

The design of radio-relay communication lines. The realization of project on creating Microwave radio relay communication for four Automatic Weather Stations of Tajikhydromet.

Grant number: D094-7C

Project ID No. P151363

ICB No. 3/2

The Executive Committee of International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the “Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin”, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Targeted upgrading of climate-related monitoring systems in the Republic of Tajikistan: Microwave radio relay communication for four Automatic Weather Stations of Tajikhydromet.

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Targeted upgrading of climate-related monitoring systems in the Republic of Tajikistan as follows:


Lot 1. Microwave radio relay communication for four AWSs of Tajikhydromet

Final destination is Project Sites in Republic of Tajikistan (Detailed list presented in the bidding document).

The delivery period for:


Lot 1. Microwave radio relay communication for four AWSs of Tajikhydromet – 6 months.

Bidding will be conducted through the international competitive bidding procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, (i) Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works, and Non-Consultancy Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 and revised July 2014; (ii) Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants Under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011 and revised July 2014 and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines.

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents from the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia at the address below during office hours 09:00 to 17:00 of Almaty time. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below. The document will be sent by electronic mail.

All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of for:


Lot 1. Microwave radio relay communication for four AWSs of Tajikhydromet – 5 880 USD

or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency, and be delivered to the address below by 15:00 on 15 January 2020 for CAMP4ASB/TUCRMSRT/03/19-2. They will be opened immediately thereafter, in the presence of bidders’ representatives, who choose to attend, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected.

The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia

Attention: Mr. Sanzhar Mustafin, room №4

Address: 40, Orbita-1

City: Almaty

Postal Code: A15D5B3

Country: Republic of Kazakhstan

Electronic mail address:



The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia

Attention: Mr. Sanzhar Mustafin, room №4

Address: 40, Orbita-1

City: Almaty

Postal Code: A15D5B3

Country: Republic of Kazakhstan

Electronic mail address:
